Candles - Colors and Meanings

White: spirituality, peace, higher self, purity, substitution (can be used in place of any other color)
Black: Banishing, works well against negativity, protection, binding
Brown: Home protection, animals, stability, family, material goods
Red: Vital energy, strength, passion, courage, fast action, lust, charisma
Pink: Romantic love, emotional healing, friendship, caring, nurturing, self love
Orange: Business, success, justice, opportunity, celebration, ambition
Yellow: Intelligence, learning, reason, focus, memory, joy, comfort, hope
Green: Nature, physical healing, money, abundance, fertility, growth
Blue: Communication, traveling, inspiration, calm, creativity, forgiveness 
Purple: Influence, psychic abilities, wisdom, authority, hidden knowledge
Silver: Intuition, psychicism, dreams, femininity, the moon
Gold: Wealth, masculinity, luck, power, happiness, the sun 

For banishing (please use with caution, remember the three fold rule): 
Black: Cursing, causes pain, breaks targets will, casts out target
Purple: Dominating, spiritual power, forces target to leave
White: Cleansing, exposes action, washes away target


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