The Law of Three

Hi all, I started my journey into the land of Wicca not that long ago and had been posting about it on Facebook. I had some interest in it and what I was putting into my Book of Shadows (now two books!) so I decided to make this blog to share what I'm learning. It's gathered from many sources that I will try to link as I go. But please do your own research too. Or if you have questions, please ask and I'll do my best to answer them. I am by no means an expert, so please don't take this as be all end all. This is just my experience and my own personal research. Remember that. 

Today we will start with something quite simple. The Law of Three. 

Ever mind the rule of three 
Three times your acts return to thee
This lesson well, thou must learn
Thou only gets what thee dost earn 

Okay, so what does that mean? 

The Rule of Three (also Three-fold Law or Law of Return) is a religious tenet held by some Wiccans/Pagans and occultists. It states that whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times. Some subscribe to a variant of this law in which return is not necessarily threefold.

The Rule of Three is sometimes described as karma by Wiccans; however, this is not strictly accurate. Both concepts describe the process of cause and effect and often encourage the individual to act in an upright way. In Hindu Vedanta literature, there is a comparable idea of threefold Karma referred to as Sanchita (accumulated works), Kriyamana, Agami, or Vartamana (current works), and Prarabdha (fructifying works), which are associated with past, present and future respectively. According to some traditions, the rule of three is not literal but symbolizes that our energy returns our way as many times as needed for us to learn the lesson associated with it.



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