Charging Objects With Magick

Hold or touch the item you want to magicakally charge sending the vibrations you want it to carry. Flow the energy until you feel an intuitive click.

To find your magickally passive or active hand:
1. Clasp your hands together in a natural, relaxed way
2. Rest your hands on your lap or a desk
3. Look at your thumbs. The top thumb is the magicakally active hand

Clear your mind, hold the object in your passive hand. Don't be tense.
What thoughts or images do you get? Do you want to keep that energy and build upon it or start fresh?
Bad energy? Cleanse it with water, the moon, or light of the sun.

To charge:
1. Hold the item in your active hand lightly. Clear your mind. Connect to the Earth.
2. Draw energy from the Earth. Envision your hand and the object becoming one, filling it with energy.
3. Your hand will start to tingle. Continue until that feeling fades away. 

Hopefully that all makes sense. Any questions, please ask! 


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