The Sabbats: Yule

Winter solstice to honor the return of the light after the longest night of the year. Celebration of rebirth and new beginnings.

Date: Sun transit 0° Capricorn (around December 21)
Animals: bear, boar, deer, eagle, owl, robin, squirrel, snow goose, sow, tiger, wren
Altar decorations: bells, candles, elves, evergreens, goddess figures, lights, holly, mistletoe, ornaments, pine cones, reindeer, snowflakes, sun symbols, wreath, yule log
Colors: red, green, white, silver, midnight blue, gold
Crystals: bloodstone, clear quartz, diamond, emerald, garnet, ruby
Herbs: blessed thistle, chamomile, ivy, mistletoe, peppermint, rosemary, sage
Incense and oils: cedar, cloves, cinnamon, frankincense, juniper, myrrh, peppermint, pine, sweet orange
Trees: apple, birch, cedar, chestnut, citrus, fir, holly, juniper, oak, pine, yew
Spellwork: inner peace, harmony, heal emotional wounds, letting go, anger, bless home
Activities: fire, watch the sun rise, bless things, make potpourri, random acts of kindness, enjoy nature
Foods: apple cider, hot chocolate, egg nog, wassail, gingerbread, roasted meats, nuts, dried fruit

Essential oil blend I use:
Pine 5 drops
Cinnamon 4 drops
Peppermint 3 drops


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