
Month Correspondence: July-December

  The Romans first named this month Quintillis, but later renamed it Julius after Julius Ceasar, from whence our current month derives its name. The Greek Olympian was held In July, lasting about a week.   Nature Spirits: hobgoblins (small, grotesque but friendly brownie-type creatures), faeries of harvested crops Herbs: honeysuckle, agrimony, lemon, balm, hyssop Colors: silver, blue-grey. Flowers: lotus, larkspur, water lily, jasmine Scents: orris, frankincense Crystals: ruby, pearl, moonstone, white agate Trees: oak, acacia, ash. Animals: crab, turtle, dolphin, whale Birds: starling, ibis, swallow Deities: Apt (or Apet), Athene, Cerridwen, Khepera, Hel, Juno, Nepthys, Rosea, Sothis, Spider Woman, Venus Power Flow: relaxed, preparing, succeeding, dream work, divination, and meditation on goals and plans, especially spiritual ones August was originally called Sextillis by the Romans and was later named Augustus in honor of Augustus Caesar. Nature Spirits: dryads Herbs: chamomi

Month Correspondence: January-June

Derives its name from the ancient Roman God Janus. Janus is the male equivalent of one of the versions of the Goddess Juno-Janus, who in her two-faced aspects of Antevorta and Postvorta looks simultaneously forward and backward as does Janus.   Nature Spirits: gnomes, brownies Herbs: marjoram, holly, thistle, nuts, pinecones Colors: bright white, blue, violet, black Flowers: snow drops, crocus, carnation Scents: musk, mimosa Crystals: garnet, onyx, chrysoprase, jet Tree: birch Animals: fox, coyote Birds: pheasant, blue jay Deities: Freya, Inanna, Sarasvati, Hera, Ch'ang-O, Sin, Antu, Felicitas, Irene, Janus, Pax, Venus Power Flow: sluggish below the surface, beginning and conceiving energy by working on personal problems that involve no one else. Getting your various bodies to work smoothly together for the same goal. Some say its name is derived from the Roman Goddess Februa, who was also known as Juno Februa. Others say that the name came from the God Februus, who was later id

Seasons Correspondence

  Spring: healing, fertility, prosperity, air magick Summer: marriage, love, friendship, courage, fire magick Autumn: money, success, prosperity, water magick Winter: meditation, banishing, earth magick

Snow Magick

  Snow Water: simultaneously purifying and energizing, melted snow is great for crystal elixirs, purification rites, and moon water Snow Guardian: build a snowman on your property, traced with protection runes and symbols, Charge it to ward your home. Snow Ball Release: make a snowball and fill it with a worry, bad habit, or negative thought you want to let go of. Then throw it as far away from you as you can. Snow Cleansing (water safe objects): fill a bowl with fresh snow wand bury the object inside. Say a blessing and charge it with this intent: "As the snow melts, so shall all negative energy melt away." Snow Cleansing (self): go and stand in snowfall and let its cleansing, invigorating, and calming energy fill you. Snow Sigils: draw protection and happiness runes in frosty windows and around your home. Draw sigils on the melting snow for banishment or release.   Snowbane: outside, create a snow image of something/someone you would like to lose influence over your li

Moon Phase Magick

  New Moon: dark magick, beauty, health, money, new beginnings, rejuvenation, banishment, new projects, soul searching, seclusion, midnight magick, binding Waxing Moon: growth, attraction, healing, luck, creation, friendship, inspiration, drawing courage, motivation, love, power, production Blue Moon: rituals, protection, light magick, power boost, divination, guidance, obtaining goals, positive change Full Moon: divination, protection, fertility, psychic ability, light works, romance, knowledge, blessings, decision making, guidance Waning Moon: removal, protection, cleansing, repelling, releasing, warning, mending relationships, curses Blood Moon: ridding bad habits, prophecy, spirit conjuring, healing, protection, balance, manifestation, transformation Lunar Eclipse: during a lunar eclipse you can do any type of lunar magick for any phase 

The Phases of the Goddess

New/Dark Moon - The Crone Goddess: Morrigan, Holda, Nephthys, Sedna, Nyx, Hel, Ceridwen, Hekate, Lilith, Baba Yaga, Cailleach, Kali Intentions: shadow work, protection, divination, banishing, meditation, introspection  Crescent Moon - The Maiden Goddess: Diana, Artemis, Blodeuwedd, Flora, Idunn, Persephone, Aphrodite, Freya, Ishtar, Hathor, Oshun, Maeve Intentions: manifesting, goal setting, to attract new things, beauty, love, youth, independence, strength Full Moon - The Mother Goddess: Isis, Demeter, Yemanja, Rhiannon, Selena, Arianrhod, Brigid, Epon, Gaia, Hestia, Danu, Kuan Yin, Mary Intentions: purification, saying thanks, celebrate accomplishments, letting go, getting rid of things 

Full Moons By Month

  January - Frost Moon Colors: black, white, silver Gemstone: Hematite February - Ice Moon Colors: purple, blue Gemstones: amethyst, jasper, rose quartz March - Moon of Winds Colors: green, yellow, lavender Gemstones: aquamarine, bloodstone April - Seed Moon Colors: red, yellow, blue Gemstones: angelite, quartz, selenite May - Bright Moon Colors: red, orange, yellow Gemstones: amber, apache tear, garnet, ruby June - Moon of Horses Colors: gold, yellow, orange Gemstones: agate, topaz July - Moon of Claiming Colors: green, silver, blue-grey Gemstones: moonstone, opal, pearl August - Moon of Encouragement Colors: yellow, red, orange Gemstones: carnelian, red agate, tiger eye September - Singing Moon Color: brown, green Gemstones: bloodstone, citrine, peridot October - Falling Leaf Moon Colors: dark blue, black, purple Gemstones: amethyst, obsidian, tourmaline November - Snow Moon Colors: gray, blue Gemstones: lapis lazuli, topaz, turquoise December - Wolf Moon Colors: white, red,