The Phases of the Goddess

New/Dark Moon - The Crone
Goddess: Morrigan, Holda, Nephthys, Sedna, Nyx, Hel, Ceridwen, Hekate, Lilith, Baba Yaga, Cailleach, Kali
Intentions: shadow work, protection, divination, banishing, meditation, introspection 

Crescent Moon - The Maiden
Goddess: Diana, Artemis, Blodeuwedd, Flora, Idunn, Persephone, Aphrodite, Freya, Ishtar, Hathor, Oshun, Maeve
Intentions: manifesting, goal setting, to attract new things, beauty, love, youth, independence, strength

Full Moon - The Mother
Goddess: Isis, Demeter, Yemanja, Rhiannon, Selena, Arianrhod, Brigid, Epon, Gaia, Hestia, Danu, Kuan Yin, Mary
Intentions: purification, saying thanks, celebrate accomplishments, letting go, getting rid of things 


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