Snow Magick


Snow Water: simultaneously purifying and energizing, melted snow is great for crystal elixirs, purification rites, and moon water

Snow Guardian: build a snowman on your property, traced with protection runes and symbols, Charge it to ward your home.

Snow Ball Release: make a snowball and fill it with a worry, bad habit, or negative thought you want to let go of. Then throw it as far away from you as you can.

Snow Cleansing (water safe objects): fill a bowl with fresh snow wand bury the object inside. Say a blessing and charge it with this intent: "As the snow melts, so shall all negative energy melt away."

Snow Cleansing (self): go and stand in snowfall and let its cleansing, invigorating, and calming energy fill you.

Snow Sigils: draw protection and happiness runes in frosty windows and around your home. Draw sigils on the melting snow for banishment or release.

  Snowbane: outside, create a snow image of something/someone you would like to lose influence over your life. As you make it, fill it with all the energy or power that person/thing has over you. Place it in a cauldron by a fire, with the intent that as it melts, so will the power of the person/thing over you.

Snow Melt Away Your Problems: charge a bowl of snow with the energy of a difficult situation you are dealing with. As it melts, so will the difficulty.

Snow Hagall: draw a giant Hagall rune in its younger form in the snow. Sit at its center and meditate to connect to snow energy.

Snow Manifestation: create a bind rune or sigil to represent your desires. Place it in an envelope. On the envelope, write: "As blessed snow seeps into my bind rune, let my desire seep into my life." Bury it in snow.


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