Full Moons By Month
January - Frost Moon
Colors: black, white, silver
Gemstone: Hematite
February - Ice Moon
Colors: purple, blue
Gemstones: amethyst, jasper, rose quartz
March - Moon of Winds
Colors: green, yellow, lavender
Gemstones: aquamarine, bloodstone
April - Seed Moon
Colors: red, yellow, blue
Gemstones: angelite, quartz, selenite
May - Bright Moon
Colors: red, orange, yellow
Gemstones: amber, apache tear, garnet, ruby
June - Moon of Horses
Colors: gold, yellow, orange
Gemstones: agate, topaz
July - Moon of Claiming
Colors: green, silver, blue-grey
Gemstones: moonstone, opal, pearl
August - Moon of Encouragement
Colors: yellow, red, orange
Gemstones: carnelian, red agate, tiger eye
September - Singing Moon
Color: brown, green
Gemstones: bloodstone, citrine, peridot
October - Falling Leaf Moon
Colors: dark blue, black, purple
Gemstones: amethyst, obsidian, tourmaline
November - Snow Moon
Colors: gray, blue
Gemstones: lapis lazuli, topaz, turquoise
December - Wolf Moon
Colors: white, red, black
Gemstones: obsidian, ruby, serpentine
Any Month - Wishing Moon
Colors: black, white, purple
Gemstones: obsidian, onyx, quartz
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