Month Correspondence: July-December


The Romans first named this month Quintillis, but later renamed it Julius after Julius Ceasar, from whence our current month derives its name. The Greek Olympian was held In July, lasting about a week. 

Nature Spirits: hobgoblins (small, grotesque but friendly brownie-type creatures), faeries of harvested crops
Herbs: honeysuckle, agrimony, lemon, balm, hyssop
Colors: silver, blue-grey.
Flowers: lotus, larkspur, water lily, jasmine
Scents: orris, frankincense
Crystals: ruby, pearl, moonstone, white agate
Trees: oak, acacia, ash.
Animals: crab, turtle, dolphin, whale
Birds: starling, ibis, swallow
Deities: Apt (or Apet), Athene, Cerridwen, Khepera, Hel, Juno, Nepthys, Rosea, Sothis, Spider Woman, Venus
Power Flow: relaxed, preparing, succeeding, dream work, divination, and meditation on goals and plans, especially spiritual ones

August was originally called Sextillis by the Romans and was later named Augustus in honor of Augustus Caesar.

Nature Spirits: dryads
Herbs: chamomile, St. John’s Wort, bay, angelica, fennel, rue, orange
Colors: yellow, gold
Flowers: gladiolus, poppy, sunflower, marigold
Scent: frankincense
Crystals: peridot, sardonyx, cat's eye, carnelian, jasper, fire agate
Trees: hazel, alder, cedar
Animals: lion, phoenix, sphinx, dragon
Birds: crane, falcon, eagle
Deities: Ceres, The Corn Mother, Demeter, Diana, Ganesha, Hathor, Hecate, Lugh, Nemesis, Thoth, and all Goddesses who preside over agriculture
Power Flow: Energy into harvesting, gathering, appreciating vitality, health and friendship

Septem (the Latin word meaning seven) was the seventh month of the old Roman calendar. When other months were added to the calendar, the name was never changed for some reason. 

Nature Spirits: trooping faeries
Herbs: copal, fennel, rye, wheat, valerian, skullcap
Colors: brown, yellow-green, yellow
Flowers: narcissus, lily, aster, morning glory
Scents: storax, mastic, gardenia, bergamot
Crystals: blue sapphire, peridot, olivine, chrysolite, citrine
Trees: hazel, larch, bay.
Animals: snake, jackal
Birds: ibis, sparrow.
Deities: Ceres, Ch'ang-O, Demeter, Freyja, Isis, Nepthys, Persephone, Thor, Thoth, and the Wiccan Goddess in Her aspect of the Mother
Power Flow: rest after labor, balance of light and dark. Organization, clean and straighten up physical, mental, emotional and spiritual clutter

Derives its name from the eighth month of the oldest Roman calendar, Octem. 

Nature Spirits: frost faeries, plant faeries
Herbs: pennyroyal, thyme, catnip, uva ursi, angelica, burdock
Colors: dark blue-green
Flowers: calendula, marigold, cosmos
Scents: strawberry, apple blossom, cherry
Crystals: opal, rose sapphire, tourmaline, beryl, turquoise
Trees: yew, cypress, acacia
Animals: stag, jackal, elephant, ram, scorpion
Birds: heron, crow, robin
Deities: Astarte, Belili, Cernunnos, Demeter, Hathor, Horned God, Kore, Lakshmi, the Morrigan, Osiris, and the Wiccan Goddess in Her dark aspect as the Crone
Power Flow: to let go, inner cleansing, Karma and reincarnation. Justice and balance, inner harmony

The name is derived from Novem, the Latin word for nine, as November was the ninth month in Rome's oldest calendar. 

Nature Spirits: banshees and other beings who carry messages between worlds
Herbs: ginger, hops, wormwood, hyssop, patchouli, mugwort, nutmeg, star anise
Colors: black, white, purple
Flowers: white lily, dahlia, chrysanthemum
Scents: rosemary, dragon’s blood, lilac, pine, wisteria
Crystals: topaz, obsidian, onyx, Apache tear
Trees: pine, cypress, yew, elder
Animals: bat, wolf, sow, dog, snake
Birds: owls, raven, falcon
Deities: Astarte, Calleach, Cerridwen, Circe, Cybele, Freyja, Hathor, Hel, Holda, Horned God, Kali, Maman, Nepthys, Sekhmet
Power Flow: Take root, prepare, Transformation. Strengthen communication with the God or Goddess who seams closest to you

Derives its name from the Latin word decem, meaning ten, as December was the tenth month of the oldest Roman calendar. The Latin name is derived from Decima, the middle Goddess of the Three Fates who personifies the present. 

Nature Spirits: snow faeries, storm faeries, winter tree faeries
Herbs: holly, English ivy, fir, mistletoe
Colors: blood red, green, white and black
Flowers: holly, poinsettia, Christmas cactus
Scents: violet, patchouli, rose, geranium, frankincense, myrrh, lilac
Crystals: blue zircon, turquoise, serpentine, jacinth, peridot
Trees: pine, fir, holly
Animals: mouse, deer, horse, bear
Birds: rook, robin, snowy owl
Deities: Athene, Attis, Dionysus, Fates, Frey , Freyja, Hathor, Hecate, Ixchel, Kris Kringle (as the Pagan God of Yule), Lucina, Minerva, Neith, Norns, Osiris, Woden, and the Wiccan Horned God (Consort of the Wiccan Goddess)
Power Flow: to endure, die, be reborn. Earth tides turning, darkness. Personal alchemy. Spiritual path. Reach out to friends and family the lonely and the needy


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