
Showing posts from April, 2020

The Sabbats: Mabon

The autumn equinox and second of the fall festivals. Celebrate with a feast of thanksgiving for Earth's bounty. Date: Sun transit 0° Libra (around September 2) Animals: blackbird, eagle, owl, salmon, stag, wild goose, wolf Altar decorations: cornucopia, apples, squash, dried corn, pumpkin, herbs, autumn leave, late blooming flower, animal images Crystals: amber, citrine, cat's eye, lapis, sapphire, yellow agates Colors: brown, green, gold, orange, red, yellow Herbs: bittersweet, chamomile, marigold, oak leaves, rue, sage, thistle, yarrow Incense and oils: cinnamon, myrrh, frankincense, sage Trees: aspen, cedar, locust, maple, oak, pine walnut Spellwork: home protection, balance, releasing negativity, bad habits, prosperity, shadow work Activities: gratitude list, house cleaning, letting go, bake bread or apples, celebrate abundance, give offerings, leaf rubbings Foods: bread/grain, apples, squash, pumpkin, cider, corn, pomegranates, root veggies ...

The Sabbats: Lughnasadh and Lammas

The first of the three fall harvest festivals celebrating grains and cereal crops. Date: Sun transits 15° Leo (around August 1) Animals: calf, crow, pig, rooster, salmon Altar decorations: barley, bread, corn, dollies, cornucopia, gourds, scythe, sunflowers, sun wheels Crystals: citrine, golden topaz, lodestone, moss agate, obsidian, peridot, tiger's eye, yellow adventurine Colors: bronze, green, gold, light brown, orange, yellow Incense and oils: basil, frankincense, rose, rosemary, sandalwood Herbs: apple leaf, basil, blackthorn, clover, goldenrod, heather, ivy, marigold, peony, poppy, rose, rosehips, rosemary, sunflower, vervain, yarrowfal Trees: apple, oak Spellwork: wish, protection, harvest, prosperity Activities: bake bread/pastries, tend garden, make corn dollies, have a bonfire, harvest crops, create a besom Foods: multigrain bread, blackberry pie, corn on the cob, bbq meat, fried chicken, blackberry wine Essential oil blend I use: L...

The Sabbats: Litha

The summer solstice celebration marking the longest day and shortest night of the year. Date: Sun transits 0° Cancer (around June 21st) Animals: bees, butterflies, cattle, horses, robin, sea creatures, snake, wren Altar decorations: all flowers, herbs, fruits, veggies, mirror, solar cross, sun symbols, sea shells Crystals : amber, carnelian, citrine, diamond, jade, lapis, tiger's eye Colors: blue, gold, green, red, white, yellow Herbs: basil, calendula, chamomile, daisy, heather, lavender, meadowsweet, mugwort, mistletoe, peony, rose, vervain, St. John's wort, sunflower, thyme Incense and Oils: cedar, clove, frankincense, lavender, lemon, mint, myrrh, orange, pine, rose, sage Trees: elder, oak, pine, rowan, fir Spellwork: redirection, self-love, faery magick, protection, personal growth, healing Activities: make flower crowns, have a picnic or bbq, watch the sunrise, bonfire, gardening, drumming, bird feeding, nature walk Foods: honey, cherrie...

The Sabbats: Beltane

The May Day celebration of fertility and love. Date: Sun transits 15° Taurus (Around May 5) Animals: bees, cats, cattle, dove, frogs, goats, leopards, lynx, rabbits, swallows, swan Altar decorations: acorns, antlers, baskets, blooming flowers and herbs, cauldron or cup, candles, floral crowns, may baskets, maypole, sticks, seeds, wreaths Crystals: beryl, emerald, garnet, malachite, rose quartz, tourmaline Colors: shades of green, bright spring colors, blue, purple, yellow, red Herbs: all-heal, blessed thistle, broom, coriander, crocus, curry, daffodil, dandelion, dragon's blood, fern, fireweed, flaxseed, forsythia, hawthorn, marjoram, meadowsweet, nettle, paprika, primrose, rose, rue, snapdragon, tansy, tulip, violet, woodruff Incense and Oils: frankincense, jasmine, musk, peach, rose, vanilla, ylang ylang Trees: alder, ash, birch, hathorne, hazel, holly, oak, rowan, willow Spellwork: connection, cooperation, charms, enchantment, fertility, growth, l...

The Sabbats: Ostara

Spring Equinox celebration of equal day and night. Day of renewal and birth. Date: Sun transits 0° Aries (around March 21) Animals: butterflies, chicks, hares, lambs, rabbits, robins Altar decorations: baskets, budding twigs, bunnies, spring water, colored ribbons, eggs, four leaf clovers, spring flowers, sprouting bulbs Crystals: amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, clear quartz, green moss agate, jasper, moonstone, rose quartz Colors: pastels, gold, light green, yellow, pale pink, robin's egg blue Herbs: clover, crocus, daffodil, forsythia, gorse, honeysuckle, iris, jasmine, jonquils, lemon balm, lilac, lilies, mint, narcissus, peonies, tansy, tulips, violet Incense and Oils: cedar, geranium, grapefruit, helichrysum, jasmine, lemon, lemongrass, lime, patchouli, chamomile, sandalwood, tangerine, vetivert, orange, ylang ylang Trees: acorn, dogwood, elder, olive, pine, willow Spellwork: balancing, cleansing, fertility, burying/planting, new beginnings, ...

The Sabbats: Imbolc

Sabbat: any of eight neo-pagan religious festivals commemorating phases of the changing seasons The cross-quarter sabbat marking the mid-point between Yule and Ostara. A fire festival to celebrate the blessings of hearth and home.  Date: Sun transits 15° Aquarius (around February 4th) Animals: all burrowing animals, bears, deer, groundhog, lamb, sheep Altar Decorations: Brigid's cross, candle wheels, dish of snow, evergreens, grain dollies, ploughs, sun wheels, white flowers Crytals: amethyst, bloodstone, garnet, onyx, ruby, turquoise Colors: brown, green, pink, red, white, yellow Herbs: acorns, angelica, basil, bay, blackberry, chamomile, crocus, jasmine, lavender, rosemary Trees: birch, evergreens, willow Spellwork: fire scrying, blessing tools, creativity, purifying bath Activities: Cleanse or redecorate sacred space, plan garden, light candles, review intentions for the year Foods: breads, winter vegetables, soup, dairy Essential oil bl...

Herbs Correspondence By Property

Herbs listed by property. Not a comprehensive list by any means. Abundance - Acorn Astral Projection, to aid  - Dittany of Crete, Mugwort,  Beauty, to attain - Avocado, Catnip, flax, Ginseng, Maidenhair, Yerba Santa Chastity, to maintain - Cactus, Camphor, Coconut, Cucumber, Fleabane, Hawthorn, Lavender, Pineapple, Sweetpea, Vervain, Witch Hazel Cleansing - Marjoram Courage, to attain - Borage, Cohosh, Black columbine, Masterwort, Mullein, Poke, Ragweed, Sweetpea, Tea, Thyme, Tonka, Wahoo, Yarrow Dead, raising the  - Yew Divination - Broom, Camphor, Cherry, Dandelion, Fig, goldenrod, Ground Ivy, Hibiscus, Meadowsweet, Orange, Orris, Pomegranate Employment, to attain/maintain - Devil’s Shoestring, Lucky Hand, Pecan Exorcism - Angelica, Arbutus, Asafoetida, Avens, Basil, Beans, Birch, Boneset, Buckthorn, Clove, Clover Cumin, Devil’s Bit, Dragon’s Blood, Elder, Fern, Fleabane, Frankincense, Fumitory, Garlic, Heliotrope, Horehound, Horseradish,...

Herb Correspondence S-Z

There are a few letters with no herbs, so that's why they're missing from the list. S: SAFFRON - Promotes clairvoyance and psychism. Also attracts prosperity and good fortune through spiritual openness. SAGE - Used for cleansing and purification, and to promote wisdom and psychic opening. Also promotes mental clarity. SAGEBRUSH - Purification, exorcism SANDALWOOD - Blessing, healing, spirituality. Promotes clairvoyance, psychic opening. Also used for protection, banishing negativity. SARSAPARILLA - Love, money SASSAFRAS - Good for legal situations, self-empowerment, success and overcoming obstacles. St. JOHN’S WORT - Protection. Removes negativity, dispels depression and anxiety. SAVOURY - Sensuality, sexuality, passion. Good for sexual magic. SENNA - Love SESAME - Opens doors, draws new opportunities, new directions, hope. Dispels depression and negativity. SHALLOT - Purification SKUNK CABBAGE - Legal matters SLIPPERY ELM - Halts g...

Herb Correspondence M-R

M: MACE - Promotes self-discipline, focus, concentration. Good for meditation, study. MAGNOLIA - Promotes psychic development. Aids meditation and spiritual opening. Promotes harmony, peace, tranquillity.  MAIDENHAIR - Beauty, love MALE FERN - Luck, love MALLOW - Love, protection, exorcism MANDRAKE - money, fertility, sex, love, virility,good luck MAPLE - Love, longevity, money MARIGOLD - Promotes healing, psychic opening, and clairvoyance. Helps one to focus on what is truly needed, even if one is not conscious of what that is.  MARJORAM - Cleansing, purification, dispels negativity, bring happiness.  Use in Love spells and love sachets.To banish grieving burn on charcoal. Sacred to Aphrodite and Isis. MASTERWORT - Strength, courage, protection MASTIC - Psychic powers, manifestations, lust MAYAPPLE - Money MEADOW RUE - Love, divination MEADOWSWEET - Love, divination, peace, happiness MESQUITE - Healing MIMOSA - Aids psychi...

Herb Correspondence: G-L

G: GALANGAL - Success in court or legal disputes. GARDENIA - Promotes peace, repels strife, protects from outside influences. GARLIC and GARLIC SKINS - Cleansing, purification. Used to dispel depression, negativity, obsessive thoughts. Draws money, prosperity. Also used as a strong protection. GENTIAN - Love, power GERANIUM - Overcomes negative thoughts and attitudes, lifts spirits. Promotes protection, happiness. GINGER - Draws adventure and new experiences. Promotes sensuality, sexuality, personal confidence and prosperity. Adds to the strength of any mixture of which it is part, and makes it work more quickly. GINSENG - Asian variety of Mandrake. Promotes vitality, strength, personal power. Heightens sex drive and sexual attractiveness. GOAT'S RUE - Healing, health GOLDENROD - Money, divination GOLDENSEAL - Healing, money GORSE - Protection, money GOTU KOLA - Meditation GOURD - Protection GRAIN - Protection GRAINS OF PARADISE - Lus...

Herb Correspondence A-F

This is by no means a complete list. If there is something not seen, Google it to find the properties.  This is just the letters A-F since there are so many.  A: ACACIA - Blessing, raising of vibration, protection via spiritual elevation. ACORN - growth, potential, fertility, security, abundance, carried to counteract lonliness, illness and pain, aids longevity, brings luck, youthfulness ADAM & EVE ROOTS - Love, happiness ADDER'S TONGUE - Healing AFRICAN VIOLET - Spirituality, protection AGARIC - Fertility AGRIMONY  - Helps to overcome fear, dispel negative emotions, overcome inner blockages., protection, sleep AGUE ROOT - Protection ALFALFA - Prosperity, anti-hunger, money ALKANET - Purification, prosperity ALLSPICE -Adds strength to Will, gives determination and perseverance. Gives added vitality, energy. Also good for social gatherings -increases harmony, sympathy and co-operation between people. Stimulates friendly interactio...