Herb Correspondence S-Z

There are a few letters with no herbs, so that's why they're missing from the list.

SAFFRON - Promotes clairvoyance and psychism. Also attracts prosperity and good fortune through spiritual openness.
SAGE - Used for cleansing and purification, and to promote wisdom and psychic opening. Also promotes mental clarity.
SAGEBRUSH - Purification, exorcism
SANDALWOOD - Blessing, healing, spirituality. Promotes clairvoyance, psychic opening. Also used for protection, banishing negativity.
SARSAPARILLA - Love, money
SASSAFRAS - Good for legal situations, self-empowerment, success and overcoming obstacles.
St. JOHN’S WORT - Protection. Removes negativity, dispels depression and anxiety.
SAVOURY - Sensuality, sexuality, passion. Good for sexual magic.
SENNA - Love
SESAME - Opens doors, draws new opportunities, new directions, hope. Dispels depression and negativity.
SHALLOT - Purification
SKUNK CABBAGE - Legal matters
SLIPPERY ELM - Halts gossip
SLOE - Exorcism, protection
SNAKEROOT - Luck, money
SNAPDRAGON - Protection
SNOWDROP - Triumph over adversity, eternal life, spiritual initiation, hope, consolation, strength
SOLOMON'S SEAL - Protection, exorcism
SORREL, WOOD - Healing, health
SOUTHERNWOOD - Love, lust, protection
SPANISH MOSS - Protection, dispels negativity, opens blockages.
SPEARMINT - Psychic or physical protection. Repels negativity. Strengthens mental speed and clarity. Increases speed and effectiveness of any mixture its added to.
SPIKENARD - Blessing, psychic opening and spiritual elevation.
SQUILL - Money, protection, hex-breaking
STAR ANISE - Psychic powers, luck
STILLENGIA - Psychic powers
STRAW - Luck, image magick
STRAWBERRY - Attracts success, good fortune, and favourable circumstances.
SUGAR CANE - Love, lust
SUNFLOWER - Fertility, wishes, health, wisdom
SWEETGRASS - Calling spirits
SWEET PEA - Draws the loyalty and affection of others, attracts friends and allies.

TANGERINE - Promotes strength, vitality, energy. 
THYME - Purification, healing, strength. Attracts loyalty, affection, and the good opinion of others.
TOBACCO - Used to promote peace, confidence, personal strength. Also promotes love and sensuality. Also used for protection and freedom from outside influences.
TONKA BEAN - Draws love, money, promotes the accomplishment of goals.
TUBEROSE - Serenity, peace, tranquillity. Calms the nerves and promotes romance and sensual love.

VANILLA - Joy and good fortune.
VERVAIN (Verbena) - Protection, repels negativity, promotes peace and tranquillity, vervain tea will ward of vampires, burn leaves to attract wealth, combine with dill to create a wash to banish baneful energy, sacred to Thor and Jupiter, infuse in water and sprinkle on the Altar for purification, carry a sprig to protect against baneful magick, Vervain enhances the magick of other herbs when combined with them
VETIVERT - Protection, overcoming obstacles, repels negativity. Also draws money, prosperity.
VIOLET - Promotes peace, tranquillity, happiness. Calms the nerves, draws prophetic dreams and visions. Stimulates creativity.

WILLOW - Used for drawing or strengthening love, healing, overcoming sadness. Lunar magic.
WINTERGREEN - Repels disharmony, negativity, and disease. Promotes good health, tranquillity, and peace in the home. DO NOT USE INTERNALLY.
WISTERIA - Raises vibration. Promotes psychic opening, overcoming obstacles, draws prosperity.
WITCH HAZEL - Protection, hex- breaking, sooth emotions.  Burn the flowers or infuse in hot water as a tea for banishing unwanted emotions and baneful energy.
WOOD ALOE (Lignaloes or Lignam Aloes) - Protection, success and prosperity. Often used in consecration.
WORMWOOD - Overcomes negativity, breaks through obstacles. Especially useful for dealing with spirits or Ancestors.

YARROW - Promotes courage, confidence, protection and psychic opening. Draws love. Sacred to the Horned God.
YLANG YLANG - Increases sexual attraction, persuasiveness.


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