Smudge Sticks

White Sage: Best known ceremonial smudge. It can change the mood and energy of a room. Also used for meditation, cleansing, and purification

White Sage

Lavender: Used for cleansing, psychic protection, increasing clairvoyance, creating the energy of happiness and healing, purification, and tranquility


Mugwort: Used traditionally to cleanse energies and get rid of negativity. It has a reputation for stimulating dreams. 


Cedar: Used to drive out negative energy, brings in good influences, and even to bless a new house when people move in. 


Rosemary: Powerful cleanser for your home and aura. Associated with fire, the sun, and masculine energy


Palo Santo: Purifying the spirit and clearing negative energy. Known to inspire creativity, bring a deeper connection to the divine source, and to aid in physical healing. 

Palo Santo

I haven't made any myself, but you can obviously make your own if you have access to fresh herbs or in the palo santo case, to the wood. I'm more than happy to do a future post about making your own smudge sticks! 


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