The Sabbats: Beltane

The May Day celebration of fertility and love.

Date: Sun transits 15° Taurus (Around May 5)
Animals: bees, cats, cattle, dove, frogs, goats, leopards, lynx, rabbits, swallows, swan
Altar decorations: acorns, antlers, baskets, blooming flowers and herbs, cauldron or cup, candles, floral crowns, may baskets, maypole, sticks, seeds, wreaths
Crystals: beryl, emerald, garnet, malachite, rose quartz, tourmaline
Colors: shades of green, bright spring colors, blue, purple, yellow, red
Herbs: all-heal, blessed thistle, broom, coriander, crocus, curry, daffodil, dandelion, dragon's blood, fern, fireweed, flaxseed, forsythia, hawthorn, marjoram, meadowsweet, nettle, paprika, primrose, rose, rue, snapdragon, tansy, tulip, violet, woodruff
Incense and Oils: frankincense, jasmine, musk, peach, rose, vanilla, ylang ylang
Trees: alder, ash, birch, hathorne, hazel, holly, oak, rowan, willow
Spellwork: connection, cooperation, charms, enchantment, fertility, growth, love, new ideas, manifestations, offerings, passion, protection, purification, union
Activities: picnic, craft a wreath or flower crown, ritual bath, leave an offering for the fae, dance around a Maypole
Foods: breads, cakes, oatmeal, honey, leafy salad, veggies, fruit, strawberries, shellfish, ale, iced tea, lemonade, mead, milk with honey, wine

Essential oil blend I use:
 Geranium 3 drops
Ylang ylang 3 drops
Jasmine 3 drops
Frankincense 3 drops


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