The Sabbats: Imbolc

Sabbat: any of eight neo-pagan religious festivals commemorating phases of the changing seasons

The cross-quarter sabbat marking the mid-point between Yule and Ostara. A fire festival to celebrate the blessings of hearth and home.

 Date: Sun transits 15° Aquarius (around February 4th)
Animals: all burrowing animals, bears, deer, groundhog, lamb, sheep
Altar Decorations: Brigid's cross, candle wheels, dish of snow, evergreens, grain dollies, ploughs, sun wheels, white flowers
Crytals: amethyst, bloodstone, garnet, onyx, ruby, turquoise
Colors: brown, green, pink, red, white, yellow
Herbs: acorns, angelica, basil, bay, blackberry, chamomile, crocus, jasmine, lavender, rosemary
Trees: birch, evergreens, willow
Spellwork: fire scrying, blessing tools, creativity, purifying bath
Activities: Cleanse or redecorate sacred space, plan garden, light candles, review intentions for the year
Foods: breads, winter vegetables, soup, dairy

Essential oil blend I use:
Pine 3 drops
Lavender 5 drops
Nutmeg 3 drops


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