Herb Correspondence: G-L

GALANGAL - Success in court or legal disputes.
GARDENIA - Promotes peace, repels strife, protects from outside influences.
GARLIC and GARLIC SKINS - Cleansing, purification. Used to dispel depression, negativity, obsessive thoughts. Draws money, prosperity. Also used as a strong protection.
GENTIAN - Love, power
GERANIUM - Overcomes negative thoughts and attitudes, lifts spirits. Promotes protection, happiness.
GINGER - Draws adventure and new experiences. Promotes sensuality, sexuality, personal confidence and prosperity. Adds to the strength of any mixture of which it is part, and makes it work more quickly.
GINSENG - Asian variety of Mandrake. Promotes vitality, strength, personal power. Heightens sex drive and sexual attractiveness.
GOAT'S RUE - Healing, health
GOLDENROD - Money, divination
GOLDENSEAL - Healing, money
GORSE - Protection, money
GOTU KOLA - Meditation
GOURD - Protection
GRAIN - Protection
GRAINS OF PARADISE - Lust, luck, love, money, wishes
GRAPE - Fertility, garden magick, mental powers, money
GRAPEFRUIT - Cleansing and purification.
GRASS - Psychic powers, protection
GROUND IVY - Divination
GROUNDSEL - Health, healing

HAWTHORN - Fertility, chastity, fishing magic, happiness
HAZEL - Luck, fertility, anti-lightning, protection, wishes
HEATHER - Protection, rain-making, luck
HELIOTROPE - Protection, prosperity, invisibility, cheerfulness and gaiety.
HELLEBORE, BLACK - Invisibility, exorcism, astral projection
HEMLOCK - Astral projection, empower magickal tools
HEMP - Healing, love, visions, meditation
HENBANE - Love, rain-making
HENNA - Healing
HIBISCUS - Lust, love, divination
HICKORY - Legal matters
HIGH JOHN THE CONQUEROR - Money, love, success, happiness
HOLLY - Protection, anti-lightning, luck, dream magick
HONESTY - Money, monster repellent
HONEYSUCKLE - Draws success, money. Aids persuasiveness and confidence sharpens intuition.
HOPS - Healing, sleep
HOREHOUND - Protection, mental powers, exorcism, healing
HORSE CHESTNUT - Money, healing
HORSERADISH - Purification, exorcism
HORSETAIL - Snake charming, fertility
HOUNDSTONGUE - Tying dog's tongues
HOUSELEEK - Luck, protection, love
HUCKLEBERRY - Luck, protection, dream magick, hex-breaking
HYACINTH - Attracts love, luck, and good fortune. promotes peace of mind and peaceful sleep. Named for Hiakinthos, Greek God of homosexual love.
HYDRANGEA - Hex-breaking
HYSSOP - Promotes spiritual opening. Also used for cleansing and purification. Lightens vibrations.

IRIS - Purification, wisdom
IRISH MOSS - Money, luck, protection
IVY - Protection, healing

JASMINE - Love, success, spiritual aid and opening. Connected to the Moon and Lunar magic.
JOB'S TEARS - Healing, wishes, luck
JOE-PYE WEED - Love, respect
JUNIPER - Protection, purification, healing.

KAVA-KAVA - Visions, protection, luck
KELP - Travel, protection
KNOTWEED - Binding, health

LADY'S SLIPPER - Protection
LARCH - Protection, anti-fire
LARKSPUR - Health, protection
LAVENDER - Love, protection, sleep, peace and tranquillity.
LEEK - Love, protection, exorcism
LEMON - Cleansing, purification, removal of blockages, spiritual opening.
LEMONGRASS - Psychic cleansing and opening.
LEMON VERBENA - Purification, love
LETTUCE - Chastity, protection, love, divination, sleep
LIQUORICE - Lust, love, fidelity
LIFE-EVERLASTING - Longevity, health, healing
LILAC - Lilac drives away evil where it is planted or strewn, and indeed in New England lilacs were originally planted to keep evil from the property.   The flowers, fresh, can be placed in a haunted house to help clear it.
LILY - Protection, breaking love spells
LILY OF THE VALLEY - Soothing, calming, draws peace and tranquillity, repels negativity.
LIME - Used for purification and protection. Promotes calmness, tranquillity. Also strengthens love.
LINDEN - Draws friendship and love. Also promotes healing and rejuvenation.
LIQUIDAMBER - Protection
LOBELIA - Halting storms, love
LOOSESTRIFE - Peace, protection
LOTUS - Psychic opening and spiritual growth.
LOVE SEED - Love, friendship
LUCKY HAND - Employment, luck protection, money, travel


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