The Sabbats: Ostara

Spring Equinox celebration of equal day and night. Day of renewal and birth.

Date: Sun transits 0° Aries (around March 21)
Animals: butterflies, chicks, hares, lambs, rabbits, robins
Altar decorations: baskets, budding twigs, bunnies, spring water, colored ribbons, eggs, four leaf clovers, spring flowers, sprouting bulbs
Crystals: amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, clear quartz, green moss agate, jasper, moonstone, rose quartz
Colors: pastels, gold, light green, yellow, pale pink, robin's egg blue
Herbs: clover, crocus, daffodil, forsythia, gorse, honeysuckle, iris, jasmine, jonquils, lemon balm, lilac, lilies, mint, narcissus, peonies, tansy, tulips, violet
Incense and Oils: cedar, geranium, grapefruit, helichrysum, jasmine, lemon, lemongrass, lime, patchouli, chamomile, sandalwood, tangerine, vetivert, orange, ylang ylang
Trees: acorn, dogwood, elder, olive, pine, willow
Spellwork: balancing, cleansing, fertility, burying/planting, new beginnings, abundance, communication, manifesting plans
Activities: planting, spring cleaning, feeding the birds, dying eggs, give seed bombs, give back to Earth, think about how you've blossomed as a person
Foods: eggs, honey, bread, sprouts, seeds, spring veggies, herbal tea, milk, herbs, honey cake

Essential Oil Blend I use:
Geranium 2 drops
Lime 5 drops
Orange 3 drops


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