Days of the Week Correspondence

This is a list of types of spells that are especially effective on certain days. And the ruling planet. 

Monday (Moon): Psychic endevours or impressions, invoking power, creative ideas, divine/inspirational messages, healing
Tuesday (Mars): Sexual encounters, protection, building strength of mind and body, confidence
Wednesday (Mercury): Career/job issues, intellectual pursuits, travel planning, research
Thursday (Jupiter): Finances, legal matters, spirituality, development
Friday (Venus): Romantic attraction, all relationships, reconciliation, physical makeovers, beautifying your environment
Saturday (Saturn): Home related issues, brainstorming future projects, committing to personal goals, weight loss, releasing bad habits, endings of any kind of relationship
Sunday (Sun): Healing of body, mind, and soul, management/decision making, insight to problem solving, divine intervention, miracles, special friendships


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