The Sabbats: Lughnasadh and Lammas

The first of the three fall harvest festivals celebrating grains and cereal crops.

Date: Sun transits 15° Leo (around August 1)
Animals: calf, crow, pig, rooster, salmon
Altar decorations: barley, bread, corn, dollies, cornucopia, gourds, scythe, sunflowers, sun wheels
Crystals: citrine, golden topaz, lodestone, moss agate, obsidian, peridot, tiger's eye, yellow adventurine
Colors: bronze, green, gold, light brown, orange, yellow
Incense and oils: basil, frankincense, rose, rosemary, sandalwood
Herbs: apple leaf, basil, blackthorn, clover, goldenrod, heather, ivy, marigold, peony, poppy, rose, rosehips, rosemary, sunflower, vervain, yarrowfal
Trees: apple, oak
Spellwork: wish, protection, harvest, prosperity
Activities: bake bread/pastries, tend garden, make corn dollies, have a bonfire, harvest crops, create a besom
Foods: multigrain bread, blackberry pie, corn on the cob, bbq meat, fried chicken, blackberry wine

Essential oil blend I use:
Lavender 8 drops
Lemongrass 6 drops
Patchouli 3 drops


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