How to Make Moon Water

1. Pour some water into a clear glass jar with a lid. You can use any of the waters listed in the water and uses list or in a pinch bottled water will work. Please use bottled water if you plan on drinking your moon water. 
2. Place the jar anywhere directly in the path of moonlight. Consult the moon phases as to when each is happening. And check out the moon water uses before you decide which you're wanting. 
3. Keep it there overnight. Typically try to retrieve it before the sun comes up. (I'm not great at doing that, but remember it's all about intent. So don't worry if you don't get it before the sun comes up.)
4. The water will be most potent if you do this the day of the phase, but a day before or after will work too. 
5. It's best to store it in a dark place after making if you're not going to use it right away.

There are uses for moon water other than spell work. If that's something you're interested in, I'm more than happy to do a post about it!


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