Herb Correspondence A-F

This is by no means a complete list. If there is something not seen, Google it to find the properties.  This is just the letters A-F since there are so many. 

ACACIA - Blessing, raising of vibration, protection via spiritual elevation.
ACORN - growth, potential, fertility, security, abundance, carried to counteract lonliness, illness and pain, aids longevity, brings luck, youthfulness
ADAM & EVE ROOTS - Love, happiness
AFRICAN VIOLET - Spirituality, protection
AGARIC - Fertility
AGRIMONY - Helps to overcome fear, dispel negative emotions, overcome inner blockages., protection, sleep
AGUE ROOT - Protection
ALFALFA - Prosperity, anti-hunger, money
ALKANET - Purification, prosperity
ALLSPICE -Adds strength to Will, gives determination and perseverance. Gives added vitality, energy. Also good for social gatherings -increases harmony, sympathy and co-operation between people. Stimulates friendly interaction and conversation.
ALMOND - Attracts money. Promotes alertness, wakefulness.
ALOE - Promotes patience, persistence, resolve. Also inner healing and overcoming blockages.
ALTHEA - Protection, psychic powers
ALYSSUM - Protection, moderating anger
AMARANTH - Healing, protection, invisibility
AMBER - Mental clarity and focus. Protection from harm, outside influences, psychic attack.
AMBERGRIS - Strengthens the effect of anything it’s added to or used with. By itself gives strength and vitality. (Substitute -Cypress and Patchouli mix).
ANEMONE - Health, protection, healing
ANGELICA - Exorcism, protection, healing
ANISE - Protection, purification, youth, opens Third Eye, connects to the Divine
APPLE - Love, healing, garden magick, immortality, peace of mind, contentment, happiness, success in all undertakings.,
APRICOT - Encourages sexuality and sensual passion. An aphrodisiac.
APHRODISIA - Passion, sexuality, romance.
ARABIC, GUM - Spirituality, purification
ARBUTUS - Exorcism, protection
ASAFOETIDA - Protection, banishing negativity, purification
ASH - Protection, prosperity, sea rituals, health, prophetic dreams
ASPEN - Eloquence, anti-theft
ASTER - Love
AVENS - Exorcism, purification, love
AVOCADO - Love, lust, beauty
AZALEA - Encourages light spirits, happiness, gaiety.

BALM, LEMON - Love, success, healing
BALM OF GILEAD - Love, manifestations, protection, healing
BALSAM - Healing, eases worries and mental stress, stimulates libido, enhances the spiritual connection to the earth, vigour, longevity, brings together the energies of Earth and Sky, aligns Sacral & Heart Chakras to restore emotional balance. 
BAMBOO - Protection, luck, hex-breaking, wishes
BANANA - Helps to overcome serious blockages or obstacles.
BARLEY - Love, healing, protection
BASIL - Promotes wealth, prosperity, sympathy, peace, understanding. Helps to avoid arguments, clashes.  
BAY - Protection, psychic powers, healing, purification, strength
BEAN - Protection, exorcism, wart - charming, reconciliations, potency, love
BAYBERRY - Good fortune, blessing, money and prosperity.
BAY LEAF (Laurel) - Protection, purification, repels negativity. Promotes good fortune, success, victory.
BEECH - Wishes
BEET - Love
BELLADONNA - Highly toxic, astral projection, visions
BENZOIN - Use for cleansing and purification. Helps to remove blockages. Promotes strength, confidence, will power. Strengthens the effect of anything it’s added to or used with.
BERGAMOT - Protection, prosperity. Combine with Mint to work faster.
BETONY, WOOD - Protection, purification, love
BIRCH - Spiritual and psychic opening, connecting with spirit helpers. Promotes balance, harmony, connection to others.
BISTORT - Psychic powers, fertility
BITTERSWEET - Protection, healing
BLACKBERRY - Healing, money, protection
BLADDERWRACK - Protection, sea spells, wind spells, money, psychic powers
BLESSED THISTLE - Protection, Anti-Hex, Spiritual, Physical and Financial Blessings, Use as magick wands and to communicate with Spirits
BLOODROOT - Love, protection, purification
BLUEBELL - Luck, truth
BLUEBERRY - Protection
BODHI - Fertility, protection, wisdom
BONESET - Protection, exorcism
BORAGE - Courage, psychic powers
BRACKEN - Healing, rain magick, prophetic dreams
BRIONY - Image magick, money, protection
BROMELIAD - Protection, money
BROOM - Purification, protection, wind spells, divination
BUCHU - Psychic powers, prophetic dreams
BUCKTHORN - Protection, exorcism, wishes, legal matters
BUCKWHEAT - Money, protection
BURDOCK - Protection, healing

CACTUS - Protection, chastity
CALAMUS -  Luck, healing, money, protection
CAMPHOR - Increases ones’ persuasiveness, personal influence. Adds strength to any mixture its part of. Also used for purification.
CAPER - Potency, lust, love
CARAWAY - Luck, good fortune, prosperity. Also promotes passion and enjoyment of sensuality.
CARDAMOM - Promotes love, sensuality, and sexuality. Also calmness and tranquillity.
CARNATION - Attract love or friendship, improve or deepen relationships. Promotes a feeling of security and confidence. Aids in recovery from illness or difficulties.
CAROB - Protection, health
CARROT - Fertility, lust
CASCARA SAGRADA - Legal matters, money, protection
CASHEW - Money
CASTOR - Protection
CATNIP - Cat magick, love, beauty, happiness
CAYENNE - Cleansing and purification. Repels negativity. Speeds up the effect of any mixture that it’s added to.
CEDAR - Confidence, strength, power. Protection, perseverance, healing, purification. Spiritual opening.
CELERY - Promotes sexuality, sensuality, ecstatic trance.
CHAMOMILE - Promotes meditation, tranquility, inner peace.
CHERRY or CHERRY BLOSSOM - Happiness, good cheer, gaiety.
CHIVES - Protection.
CHOCOLATE - Adds to one's influence and persuasiveness. Helps others to be receptive to one.
CHYPRE - money, success in gambling, promotes persuasiveness and eloquence.
CINNAMON - Luck, strength, prosperity. Increases effectiveness of any mixture it’s added to. Promotes calmness and tranquillity, especially for children. Also used as a strong protection.
CINQUEFOIL - Money, protection, prophetic dreams, sleep
CITRONELLA -Promotes eloquence, persuasiveness, prosperity. Draws friends to the home, customers to the business.
CIVIT - Strength and protection. Promotes confidence and sexual attractiveness.
CLEAVERS - Relationships, commitment, protection, tenacity
CLOVER - Strengthens and deepens existing love.
CLOVES - Courage, self-confidence, very strong protection. Dispels negativity, strengthens psychic shielding. Can act as an aphrodisiac.
CLUB MOSS - Protection, power
COCONUT - Strengthens confidence and inner resolve, heightens allure and sexual attraction.
COFFEE - Grounding and protection from negativity. Peace of mind. Helps to dispel negative thoughtforms, nightmares, overcome internal blockages.
COHOSH, BLACK - Love, courage, protection, potency
COLTSFOOT - Love, visions
COLUMBINE - Courage, love
COMFREY - Safety during travel, money
COPAL - Promotes spiritual opening. Also protection, purification, overcoming obstacles. Repels negativity.
CORIANDER - Love and healing. Also used for protection.
CORN - Protection, luck, divination
COTTON - Luck, healing, protection, rain, fishing magick
COWSLIP - Healing, youth, treasure -finding
CRAB APPLE - Promotes calm and tranquillity helps settle unrest, conflict, anxiety.
CROCUS - Love, visions
CUBEB - Love
CUCKOO-FLOWER - Fertility, love
CUCUMBER - Chastity, healing, fertility
CUMIN - Promotes peace and tranquillity.
CURRY - Protection
CYCLAMEN - Draws and strengthens love.
CYPRESS - Calm, tranquillity, spiritual opening. Associated with death and mourning, Cypress stimulates healing and helps overcome the pain of loss.

DAFFODIL - Love, fertility, luck
DAISY - Lust, love
DAMIANA - Lust, love, visions
DANDELION - Divination, wishes, calling spirits
DATURA - Hex-breaking, sleep, protection
DEERSTONGUE - Lust, psychic powers
DEVIL'S BIT - Exorcism, love, protection, luck
DEVIL'S SHOESTRING - Protection, gambling, luck, power, employment
DILL - Mental strength and quickness. Aids focus and concentration. Also used for blessing.
DITTANY OF CRETE - Manifestations, astral projection
DOCK - Healing, fertility, money
DODDER - Love divination, knot magick
DOGWOOD - Wishes, protection
DOVE’S BLOOD - Promotes peace and tranquillity. Helps to settle disputes, conflict.
DRAGON’S BLOOD - Love, protection, exorcism, potency
DULSE - Lust, harmony

EBONY - Protection, power
ECHINACEA - Strengthening spells
EDELWEISS - Invisibility, bullet-proofing
ELDER - Exorcism, protection, healing, prosperity, sleep. Elderberry has the power to bridge the divide between physical and the spiritual realm. 
ELECAMPANE - Love, protection, psychic powers
ELM - Love
ENDIVE - Lust, love
ERYNGO - Traveler's luck, peace, lust, love
EUCALYPTUS - Spiritual cleansing, purification, and healing. Helps to overcome spiritual blockages.
EUPHORBIA - Purification, protection
EYEBRIGHT - Mental powers, psychic powers

FENNEL - Strength, protection, healing
FENUGREEK - Mental clarity, focus, dispels negativity.
FERN - Cleansing and purification, dispels negativity.
FEVERFEW - Protection
FIG - Divination, fertility, love
FIGWORT - Health, protection
FIVE FINGER GRASS (Cinquefoil) - Protection. Also stimulates memory, eloquence, self-confidence. 
FLAX - Money, protection, beauty, psychic powers, healing
FLEABANE - Exorcism, protection, chastity
FOXGLOVE - Protection
FRANGIPANI - Attracts love, trust, and admiration. Promotes openness in those around one.
FRANKINCENSE - Blessing and spiritual opening. Aids meditation.
FUMITORY - Money, exorcism
FUZZY WEED - Love, hunting


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