Magick Hours of the Day

This is a breakdown of which spells are most powerful at each hour increment of the day

1 a.m. - wholeness of self, banishing any shadows
2 a.m. - ridding partnerships or relationships of negativity
3 a.m. - determination, especially in matters that seem to hold you back 
4 a.m. - improved luck or victory over a specific set of deterring circumstances
5 a.m. - encouraging growth of the psychic self 
6 a.m. - tenacity and perseverance, especially with something you've been putting off
7 a.m. - hope, improved insight, perspective
8 a.m. - personal change aimed towards the conscious mind 
9 a.m. - assistance for others, focusing on concrete matters
10 a.m. - improving personal convictions and resolutions
11 a.m. - energy directed towards transformation which may have seemed impossible
Noon - magick pertaining to positive modifications in your life, endings and beginnings
1 p.m. - self image and personal security
2 p.m. - building relationships, encouraging/understanding and love between people, sexual symmetry
3 p.m. - balancing matter of the body, mind, and spirit
4 p.m. - harmony of elements, sticking to schedules, magick to accentuate goals
5 p.m. - insight to the self, communicating with spiritual guides
6 p.m. - matters of safety, protection, completion
7 p.m. - diversity, blending or healing differences, gentle care towards others
8 p.m. - leadership, command, guidance
9 p.m. - comprehension of universal truth
10 p.m. - improving the rational mind, sensibility, and clear mindedness
11 p.m. - coping with drastic change in a positive manner
Midnight - magick pertaining to positive modifications in your life, endings and beginnings


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