Herb Correspondence M-R

MACE - Promotes self-discipline, focus, concentration. Good for meditation, study.
MAGNOLIA - Promotes psychic development. Aids meditation and spiritual opening. Promotes harmony, peace, tranquillity. 
MAIDENHAIR - Beauty, love
MALE FERN - Luck, love
MALLOW - Love, protection, exorcism
MANDRAKE - money, fertility, sex, love, virility,good luck
MAPLE - Love, longevity, money
MARIGOLD - Promotes healing, psychic opening, and clairvoyance. Helps one to focus on what is truly needed, even if one is not conscious of what that is. 
MARJORAM - Cleansing, purification, dispels negativity, bring happiness.  Use in Love spells and love sachets.To banish grieving burn on charcoal. Sacred to Aphrodite and Isis.
MASTERWORT - Strength, courage, protection
MASTIC - Psychic powers, manifestations, lust
MEADOW RUE - Love, divination
MEADOWSWEET - Love, divination, peace, happiness
MESQUITE - Healing
MIMOSA - Aids psychic development, clairvoyance. Draws prophetic dreams.
MINT - Promotes energy, vitality, communication. Draws customers to a business.
MISTLETOE - Promotes prosperity, draws customers, money, business.
MOONWORT - Money, love
MONKSHOOD - Consecration, purification, the Underworld
MORNING GLORY - Happiness, peace
MOSS - Luck, money
MUGWORT - Promotes psychic opening, clairvoyance, prophetic dreams  Mugwort Tea Recipe
MULBERRY - Protection, strength
MULLEIN - Courage, protection, health, love, divination, exorcism
MUSK - Increases confidence, self-assurance, persuasiveness. Draws new situations and prosperity.
MUSTARD, BLACK - Fertility, protection, mental powers
MUSTARD SEED - Courage, faith, endurance.
MYRRH - Spiritual opening, meditation, healing.
MYRTLE - Psychic opening, spiritual aid. Enhances any mix its added to.

NARCISSUS - Promotes harmony, tranquillity, peace of mind. Calms vibrations.
NEROLI - Joy, happiness, overcoming emotional blockages.
NETTLE - Exorcism, protection, healing, lust
NORFOLK PINE - Protection, anti-hunger
NUTMEG - Aids clarity, perception, ability to see below surfaces. Promotes social interaction, emotional openness, personal confidence.
NUTS - Fertility, prosperity, love, luck

OAKMOSS - Draws money, prosperity, good fortune.
ONION and ONION SKINS - Protection, stability and endurance. Also prosperity.
ORANGE or ORANGE BLOSSOM - Harmony, peace, emotional openness, love. Attracts prosperity and stability. Also used for purification. Considered very Solar.
ORCHID - Concentration, focus, will power. Also strengthens memory.
OREGANO - Joy, strength, vitality and added energy.
OREGON GRAPE - Money, popularity
ORRIS - Love, protection, divination

PALM, DATE - fertility, potency
PANSY - Love, rain magick, love divination
PAPAYA - Love, protection
PAPYRUS - Protection
PARSLEY - Lust, protection, purification
PASSION FLOWER - Peace, sleep, friendships
PATCHOULI - Money, fertility, lust
PEA - Money, love
PEACH - Love, exorcism, longevity, fertility, wishes
PEAR - Lust, love
PECAN - Money, employment
PENNYROYAL - Strength, protection, peace
PEONY - Protection, exorcism
PEPPER - Protection, exorcism
PEPPERMINT - Purification, sleep, love, healing, psychic powers
PEPPER TREE - Purification, healing, protection
PERIWINKLE - Love, lust, mental powers, money, protection
PERSIMMON - Changing sex, healing, luck
PIMPERNEL - Protection, health
PINE - Healing, fertility, protection, exorcism, money
PINEAPPLE - Luck, money, chastity
PISTACHIO - Breaking love spells
PLANTAIN - Healing, strength, protection, snake repelling
PLUM - Love, protection
PLUM, WILD - Healing
POKE - Courage, hex-breaking
POMEGRANATE - Divination, luck, wishes, wealth, fertility
POPLAR - Money, flying
POPPY - Fertility, love, sleep, money, luck, invisibility
POTATO - Image magick, healing
PRIMROSE - Protection, love
PURSLANE - Sleep, love, luck, protection, happiness

QUINCE - Protection, love, happiness

RADISH - Protection, lust
RAGWEED - Courage
RAGWORT - Protection
RASPBERRY - Protection, love
RATTLESNAKE ROOT - Protection, money
RHUBARB - Protection, fidelity
RICE - Protection, rain, money, fertility
ROOTS - Protection, power divination
ROSE - Love, psychic powers, healing love divination, luck, protection
ROSEMARY - Protection, love, lust, mental powers, exorcism, purification, healing, youth, sleep
ROWAN - Psychic powers, healing, power, success, protection
RUE - Healing, health, mental powers, exorcism, love
RYE - Love, fidelity


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