Crystal Correspondence Part One

Click on each name to view a photo of the stone! This is by no means a comprehensive list of all crystals out there or all of their uses. 

Onyx - cleanses the air, rids home of negative energy, patience, determination, protection, emotional balance, self control, binding
Quartz - relieve stress, frustration, ease anxiety
Clear Quartz - awareness, amplify energy, clarity, protection
Rose Quartz - unconditional love, emotional healing, compassion, happiness, self esteem
Amethyst - headaches, fatigue, good dreams, good skin, supports bone and joints, intuition, balance, higher wisdom, courage, heal addictions, peace, happiness, love
Citrine - boost concentration/memory, creativity, brightness, positive energy, clearing, protection, nightmares
Lapis Lazuli - migraine, immune system, psychic vision, celestial energy, nobility
Opal - inspiration, creativity, PMS, headaches, beauty, amplifier, scrying stone, enhance psychic abilities, increase intuition, inspiration, good luck, magnify emotions
Topaz - balance hormones, combat aging, protection, healing, dieting, prosperity, love, emotional balance, tranquility, creativity
Aventurine - draws money and prosperity
Agate - courage, strength, love, protection
Alexandrite - courage, strength, love, protection
Amber - protection, attract love, draw sickness from body and negativity from emotional energy, mental clarity, inner peace
Amazonite - success, joy, self expression, awakens heart and throat chakras
Aquamarine - courage, purification, peace, psychic awareness, self expression, balance all chakras
Azurite - psychic energy, dreams, divination, healing, concentration, transformation
Beryl - energy, love, healing, psychic awareness, protection
Bloodstone - courage, strength, victory, wealth, self-confidence, aids healing (surgery/blood related illnesses), regulates first four chakras
Blue Lace Agate - healing, overcome obstacles, wish stone
Blue Stalactite - personal power and direction, helps with finding and staying on the right personal path, promotes self knowledge, centering, connecting to the higher self
Calcite - centering, grounding, purification, money, peace, calms fears
Carnelian - personal power, strengthened magick, fertility, creativity, happy home, combat the jealousy of others
Celestite - verbal skills, healing, compassion, calming, aids growth
Chrysocolla - wisdom, promotes balance an inner peace
Chrysoprase - clears blockages in communication, promotes eloquence an persuasiveness
Crazy Lace Agate - awakens hidden talents and abilities, success in career situations
Diamond - personal growth, spiritual lessons, perfecting self, resilience, perseverance, permanence
Emerald - protection, success, prosperity, memory, learning
Fluorite - healing (emotional, physical, spiritual)
Garnet - brighten dark souls, bring hope to people who need it, protect from gossip, send lies back to liar, enhance love, strength, imagination, protects against theft, illness when traveling, purifies, aid in healing (blood illnesses)
Geode - fertility, child birth, meditation, freedom of spirit, psychic ability, dreams, astral travel
Goldstone - draw money
Hematite - protection, absorbs negativity, helps relieve grief or pain
Jade - serenity, inner peace, balance, good fortune, promotes perfect self, connection to spirit
Jet - protection, promotes mental and emotional clarity, deflects negativity, overcome sorrow or sadness


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